Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like.....

a big mess!!!

The kids are LOVING having 2 weeks off from school

I have not wrapped a single present

We really did send out Christmas cards this year!

I let the kids decorate the tree....it looks pretty good.

We made homemade marshmallows for all our neighbors

We ate lots of marshmallows in the name of quality control

It has been a busy and crazy year but we lived through it

We find ourselves missing Carmen....a lot.

Brett is in the basement, writing. He does that often.

Marin rocks at piano!

Marin is also using all her natural skills in Drama Club at school

Gabe continues to be the self appointed School President

The Principal is OK with it

Gabe lives in a universe with no gravity

He also finds random black holes all around our house

The kitties will now sit within 2 feet of each other....but still will not touch.

They have lived together for 2 1/2 years.

We continue to forge onward and upward.....

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!!

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