Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time for Updates

I was reminded yesterday during lunch that I need to be a bit more prompt on updating our family blog. Sometimes I need a reminder that others are interested in what we are all seems pretty ho-hum to me most days!

I've decided to post some of the Christmas pictures that I promised. I really did love my colors this year of gorgeous pink and spring green. It made the dark winter days seem a bit brighter.

I love the lights, the sparkle, and the anticipation on the kids faces. 

 Christmas Eve Pajamas
 Demon cat was guarding HIS tree and packages. He wouldn't let the kids get their gifts!
 Gabe - Pokemon heaven!
 Demon cat is finally content ~ convinced no one can see him.
 Miss Sassy Pants in her new boots and furry vest. I call her Yetti. Her great grandma seems to think she's pretty awesome!

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