Friday, May 16, 2008

Not that we want anyone to keep track of us.....

........but we do know that some of you out there in the big world like to look at pictures of our kids. We understand that. We like to see them also. Feel free to come and visit them in person because they are even cuter that way!

Gabe turned 6 this last week and we are still cleaning up toys and guys and cars. If we never hear the term "Speed Racer" again, we will be ok. But in all honesty, he is such a wonderful boy and he is so polite and cute...we just cannot resist giving him the world!

He is happy to be a big boy, he is thrilled to have a new bed that makes him have wonderful dreams, he still does not believe in gravity and all his Wii games support that theory. He has whomped us at Mario Kart and we have no clue how. I believe we have finally found something in this world that goes as fast as his brain. That is our only explanation and we will stick with it.

Gabe's current favorites are Mario, Picachu from Pokemon, Power Rangers, some Transformers, Hot Wheels, Legos and Speed Racer. Wow.

He let us make a cake and we added some race tracks (from all those Thomas toys) for his Speed Racers cars and the spectators were characters from Indiana Jones, Pokemon, Spiderman and Kung Fu Panda. One can never have too many supporters!

Thank you Gabe for being ours and making us stop and have fun even when the house looks like a bomb went off. We love you and are so proud of you.

By the way, Grandpa and Grandma in Arizona.....this is what he bought: The Speed Racer Mach 6 and Battle Rig...

Oh my! Is he ever happy! Thank you for being so generous.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was very impressed that you would share information about your family. Good effort. Phil Hallstrom